The Laboratory of MoAAP

The Laboratory of the Museum of American Art in Prishtina (MoAAP) aims to deepen the integration of the Museum into the cultural life of Prishtina, surrounding cities, and the broader Republic of Kosovo. This initiative, part of the FAKRRA project by Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art in Prishtina, focuses on enhancing the Museum's educational programs to create a "bridge" between various cultural communities. The goal is to foster respect, dialogue, sensitivity, and mutual understanding through the study of modern art history.

As an educational institution, the Museum of American Art in Prishtina is dedicated to collecting, conserving, and displaying artworks related to MoMA's international program and traveling exhibitions curated by Dorothy Canning Miller and Porter McCray. Its permanent exhibition and collection provide an accurate account of American art history, emphasizing the revolutionary exhibitions curated by Alfred Hamilton Barr Jr. in 1936.

The Laboratory within the Museum will enhance its educational potential, making modern art history accessible to a diverse audience of different ages, genders, and backgrounds. This will contribute to a deeper understanding of art and the diversity within each individual.

Activities will cater to all age groups and be available in three languages: Albanian, Serbian, and English. Regular activities include reading sessions, educational guides for children, and documentary and film screenings. The museum's Laboratory will host monthly events, sharing critical knowledge in education through the arts.