• The Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024
Open Call Artists of Tomorrow 2024

Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is pleased to announce the Open Call for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024.

The deadline for applying for the prize is September 20, 2024.

The Artists of Tomorrow Award is the prestigious contemporary art prize for young artists in Kosovo established in 2002, organised by Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina in collaboration with Residency Unlimited in New York and generously supported by the Trust for Mutual Understanding in New York.

Artists working in contemporary art, including experimental media, video, installation, performance, photography, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and drawing are encouraged to apply. Artists are not eligible to apply with work in the applied arts, such as design, theater, dance and film.

The three finalists selected for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 will be announced no later than September 27, 2024.

The exhibition of the three finalists of the the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 will open on November 1, 2024.

The winner of the 2024 edition of the Artists of Tomorrow Award will be announced on December 7, 2024.

The winner will be awarded a two-month artist residency in New York, USA, at Residency Unlimited (http://residencyunlimited.org/) in May/June 2024 and the offer for a solo exhibition within the annual program of Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina in 2026/2027.

If other commitments prevent the artist from participating in the residency in New York within the foreseen time frame, he/she/they should consider applying for the award in the next editions.

Application Process
Application for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 Award is made through online registration, filling out the application form and sending the required documentation through the application form available on the website of Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina.

Selection process
The three finalists and the winner of the Artists of Tomorrow Award will be selected by the jury of the Artists of Tomorrow Award, nominated by Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina.

Members of the Jury of the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 are Julieta Aranda, Miljana Dunđerin, Vjollca Krasniqi, Alper Turan and Lulzim Zeqiri.

The award is intended for artists only up to 35 years of age.
Eligible for applying at the Artists of Tomorrow Award are individual artists and artists working in groups that fulfill the criteria of the award. The residency program in US can only host one individual artist per country, even if artists working in groups are selected the winner of the award.

Applicants must have been active as an artist for at least during the past 3 years in Kosovo, have 3-5 reference projects, and have exhibited in art institutions such as galleries, art centers, museums or public spaces.

Non-citizen artists of Kosovo have to be recognized for their contribution in the developments in the art scene and their artistic career must have significant connection with Kosovo.

Émigré artists must be knowledgeable of the country's artistic tendencies and developments and have exhibited in Kosovo continuously for the past three years.

Main supporter of the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 is the Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU).
Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo and Municipality of Prishtina.
Complete list of donors and cooperation partners for The Artists of Tomorrow Award 2024 will be announced in due time.